Do international students have to attend any unified admission examination?

A: At present, no admission examination is required. Aligned with international practice, our university evaluates all applications equally. Admission varies depending on requirements for specific majors and scholarship programs. If any admission examination is required, we will inform the applicants to attend the interview (or test) in advance.

Is the admission quota of international students restricted?

A: It varies from case to case; currently there is no admissions limit on non-scholarship students, but scholarships are limited. For more information, please refer to the Scholarship Application Rules for each scholarship.

What majors are taught in English in Guangxi Normal University?

A: At present, no major is taught in English. But our partner, the Chinese Language Institute (CLI, www.studycli.org), offers numerous courses in English taught by local and international professors with a PhD. Topics include history, culture, literature, business, economics, geography, etc. Please contact info@studycli.org for info on current and upcoming terms.

Application time for international students:

Degree Programs for International Students: March 1st to May 31st
I Non-Degree Chinese Language Programs for International Students:
For the Spring Term, apply between: October 1st to November 15th
For the Fall Term, apply between: May 1st to June 15th

Application Deadline for Scholarships:

1.Chinese Government Scholarship (China-US Cultural Exchange Scholarship): before March 20th
2.Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program: January to April (Please consult the embassy of each country for the exact time)
3.Confucius Institute Scholarship: Year-round admission (subject to the admission brochure)
4.Guangxi Government Scholarship for International Students from ANSEAN Member Nations: before April 30th

Nationality of the Applicant: Applicants shall be a citizen holding the valid passport of a foreign country other than the People's Republic of China.

1. For the applicant who has emigrated from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and/or Taiwan to a foreign country, if he or she aims to apply for the undergraduate programs as international students, the following two requirements shall be met: first, all applicants must be holding a valid passport of a foreign country for four years or more, and second, applicants must provide proof showing that he or she has been living in the country for more than two years. Physical residence in a foreign country, as shown by inbound and outbound stamps, exceeding nine months shall be deemed as one year. (Note: The above period of emigration and physical residence in a foreign country only applies to undergraduate program applicants.)

2. For the applicant who was born abroad and joined a foreign nationality upon birth, but then studied in a Chinese school while growing up under the identity of an international student, he or she shall provide a copy of the Residence Permit for Foreigner in the People's Republic of China having been held during the three years in senior high school (or the valid visa).

Admission Application Procedure:

The admission application consists of two steps, both of which are indispensable:
1. Online registration: Complete online registration at GXNU's Online Registration System for International Student (Address: http://english.gxnu.edu.cn/Enrolls/register.ashx)
2. Send the electronic materials to this e-mail before the application deadline (E-mail: admissn@mailbox.gxnu.edu.cn; Tel: +86-(0)773-5821163).

Can I apply for these programs before I have received my high school diploma or highest academic certificate?

A: Any applicant currently in school shall submit a pre-graduation notarization in Chinese or English issued by your current school. Submit to GXNU's Admission Office by registration day (in the mid September of 2016) or the applicant will be removed from enrollment.

Agency Number of GXNU

A:  10602

About Tuition

1.In what currency shall the tuition and accommodation be paid?

Ans.: In Chinese currency.

2.Can the tuition for one academic year be paid on one semester basis?

Ans: Yes.

3.Is there any bank nearby the campus that serves foreign currency exchange ?

Ans: Yes, there is a branch of Bank of China 5-7 minutes’walk from the campus.

About Accommodation

1.Is room reservation possible?

Ans.: Yes, room reservation can be made when submitting the Application Form. Make two choices for room reservation as arrangement of room for international students will be made in order of registered time.

2.How to register to live in international students dormitory? Is deposit necessary?

Ans.: For those student who has made room reservation, just go through the check-in formalities at the front desk by showing his/her passport and admission notice and paying the required deposit, then he/she will be taken to the room as arranged.

3.Can the accommodation cost be paid by month?

Ans.: No. Accommodation cost shall be paid on semester basis. If the student returns to his/her country ahead of scheduled time or move off campus before the end of semester, there will be no return of the rest of the paid room cost.

4.Can the international students live in their dormitory rooms during the summer break or winter break?

Ans.: Yes, but their have to pay for the days they live in.

5.Are there any shared kitchens in the dormitory

Ans.: Yes, shared kitchens are available at fixed time.

6. Are international students allowed to live off campus?

Ans.: No. If you have to, you need to get permission first.

7. Is there any time restriction for meeting visitors at the international students’ dormitory?

Ans.: Yes, there is. A restriction of time is made for international students to visitor at the dormitory for the reason to keep a good order and create a pleasant environment for study.

8. Do visitors have to enter their names for their visit?

Ans.: Yes, they do. They have to sign up and show their ID before they can enter the students dormitory room.
(Visiting time: 13:00 – 14:00 Monday through Friday, 9:00– 23:00 Saturday and Sunday)

9. Can international students check in if they arrive not during office hours?

Ans.: Yes, they can. The front desk is in service 24 hours.

10. Is there any deadline for check-out after students finish their studies?

Ans.: Students have to go through check-out formalities within one week after they finish their studies. If they remain to stay beyond one-week limit, they need to inform the front desk for their extension and pay for the days after the one-week limit at non-student rate.

About Visa Formalities

1.Does the university act on the students’ behalf for Visa and Residence Permit formalities?

Ans.: No, but it will help to prepare the documents needed for the formalities.

2.Is Re-entry Visa possible after entering China with an F Visa?

Ans.: Yes, but the original visa will be invalid. The validity of the Re-entry Visa will extend .for a period of 3 months from the date of application.

About Office Hours

1. Please inform of the office hours of the International Students Office.

Ans.: 7:40 – 11:40 in the morning; 2:30 – 5:30 in the aftrnoon.

About Internet Service

1.Is internet service accessible in each of the dormitory rooms? Is there an internet bar on campus?

Ans.: Internet is available in each dormitory room. There is an electronic reading room in the International Education Center (charged).

About Extra-curricular Activities

1.In addition to Chinese language courses, are there any elective courses such as Taiji and others?

Ans.: In addition to Chinese language courses, such elective course as Taiji and Calligraphy are included in the curriculum each semester. Each elective course is usually scheduled once a week, taken voluntarily and charged reasonably.. Such elective courses as Business Chinese Conversation and others arranged by the Department of Chinese Language a Second Language area usually offered in the third and fourth periods Friday morning, free of charge.

About Daily Life

1.Are there washing machines available for public use on campus?

Ans.: Yes, there are in the international students dormitory building.

2.Are there any other particular facilities on campus?

Ans.: There are fitness room, café, reading room, electronic reading room, etc.

3.Are international students allowed to dine at the Chinese students canteens?

Ans.: There is an international students canteen or restaurant on campus. However, they are allowed to go to the Chinese students canteen. The Chinese students canteen practices the electronic card system, and electronic card is available at its office by showing the student ID.

About Airport Pick-up

1.Does the university arrange an airport pick-up for international students on arrival?

Ans.: Yes, but an airport pick-up is due to charge.            


Contact Us

I. Admission Office

Zhang Xi, Section Chief of International Admissions
Responsible for the planning, promotion, organization and coordination of admissions and cooperation projects.

Xie Hailing, Staff

Responsible for Chinese Goverment Scholarship,Guangxi Normal University President Schoalrship and help the section chief to deal with the relvent admission documents. 

Liu Meimei, Staff
Responsible for International Chinese Language Scholarship and Guangxi Government Scholarship and help the section chief to deal with the relvent admission documents. 

Tel:0086-773-5821163(International) 0773-5821163(Domestic) 
Fax:0086-773-5850305(International) 0773-5850305(Domestic)

II. International Student Management Section

Luo Shiqing, Section Chief of International Student Management.


III. Foreign Affairs Section

Lan Shan, Teacher Affairs Secretary
Responsible for recruitment, visa application and management of international Staff.

Tel: 0086-773-5857127(International)  0773-5857127(Domestic)
Email:gxsdwsk@gxnu. e

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