Experience GXNU

Bridge View

Cultural Lectures

Guilin City

Guilin Sunset

Happy Moment

LongSheng Terrace

Smiling Faces

Spring Outing

Sweet Home

Teacher Meeting

We Love GXNU
Contact Us
I. Admission Office
Zhang Xi, Section Chief of International Admissions
Responsible for the planning, promotion, organization and coordination of admissions and cooperation projects.
Xie Hailing, Staff
Responsible for Chinese Goverment Scholarship,Guangxi Normal University President Schoalrship and help the section chief to deal with the relvent admission documents.
Liu Meimei, Staff
Responsible for International Chinese Language Scholarship and Guangxi Government Scholarship and help the section chief to deal with the relvent admission documents.
Tel:0086-773-5821163(International) 0773-5821163(Domestic)
Fax:0086-773-5850305(International) 0773-5850305(Domestic)
II. International Student Management Section
Luo Shiqing, Section Chief of International Student Management.
III. Foreign Affairs Section
Lan Shan, Teacher Affairs Secretary
Responsible for recruitment, visa application and management of international Staff.
Tel: 0086-773-5857127(International) 0773-5857127(Domestic)
Email:gxsdwsk@gxnu. edu